Test Your Useless Knowledge: A Trivia Quiz to Prove You’re Smarter Than the Internet (Or Just a Great Googler)
What is the punishment if you are caught wearing crocs in Slowjamastan?
If you have arachibutyrophobia, what are you afraid of?
Which animal is most likely to win a Nobel Prize?
What does the acronym MST stand for in the Mexican Culture?
What’s the official language of Slowjamastan?
What is Slowjamastan's Number One Law?
What is the primary reason people become millionaires?
In Arizona, you must register with the state before becoming a what?
How do you become an expert in everything overnight?
In which country can you find the world’s largest McDonald’s?
Who is your favorite game show host?
What is the capital of Slowjamastan, the nation founded by Mark Corona and Randy "R Dub!" Williams?