Make Your Next Event Unforgettable 
With Mark Corona

Keep ‘Em Guessing and Keep ‘Em Coming Back

An amazing event demands an extraordinary speaker, and Mark Corona is the only one in the world who uses the power of trivia to combine engagement, retention, and goal setting all in one.

With the power of trivia, he delivers a unique, TV-style game show experience designed to captivate attention, foster community, and bring people together who might not normally collaborate.

Mark’s approach guarantees that your event will leave a lasting impact, energizing your audience and creating unforgettable connections.


Mark shares his powerful story of perseverance—from wasting six years of his life and living on his sister’s couch to founding the country of Slowjamastan and launching the world’s only trivia show for businesses.

In this engaging session, Mark reveals how setting goals transformed his life, and how the same principles can help you achieve your own breakthroughs.

With real-life examples of overcoming failure and thinking outside the box, Mark offers a roadmap for anyone seeking success in their personal or professional journey.

Bonus: Mark will wrap up his speech by energizing your audience with an exciting trivia game that brings goal-setting to life, blending entertainment with impactful lessons to ensure everyone stays engaged and inspired!

Trivia Speaker for Corporate Events

Mark Corona Retention Expert

As a trivia speaker on customer and employee retention strategies, I offer a perspective as unique as building a country from scratch—literally. Just as I helped turn the world’s only trivia game into a full-blown TV game show, I bring that same mix of strategy, creativity, and a dash of humor to help businesses keep their customers as loyal as Slowjamastan’s citizens are to our quirky, Crocs-free homeland.

If you’re ready to learn how to make your customers stick around like they’re part of an exclusive club (because who doesn’t love that?), you’re in the right place. Contact me and let’s create a trivia game that not only retains employees, but also turns your customers into loyal fans. Spoiler alert: it’s as fun as it is effective.

Topics I Speak On

Customer Retention

Employee Retention

Power of Goals

Want a Legion of Fans?

Watch this message from Mark Corona

While the Croc epidemic might be spiraling out of control and the world’s grasp on string cheese etiquette remains tragically underdeveloped, let’s not forget what really matters—customer and employee retention. Yes, I’ve tackled the delicate art of nation-building in Slowjamastan and turned trivia into a TV-style sensation, so trust me, I’ve got the experience and the chops to help your business thrive.

As a trivia speaker, my talks are short, packed with action, and designed to ensure your audience walks away with real steps to boost both customer and employee retention. Plus, I’ll teach your audience how to leverage video and private groups to keep everyone engaged.

So, if you’re hunting for a trivia speaker who can deliver the goods with a side of humor, book me today. 

So, whether we’re ridding the world of Crocs one stylish step at a time or teaching folks the critical life lesson of keeping their dirty feet off the dashboard, I’m here to deliver an unforgettable experience.

 As your expert trivia speaker on retention strategies and goal setting, I’ll ensure your audience not only has a blast but also walks away with actionable steps.

Speaking of steps, ready to take the next step? Contact me today and let me know if you want me on stage as Mark Corona, or Chief Mark Corona—the choice is yours. Either way, I promise to bring the fun, the insights, and maybe even a little string cheese wisdom.

Make Your Next Event Unforgettable 
With Mark Corona