Corporate Retreat Guest Speakers You Need

Corporate planners and CEOs, let’s be honest—you’ve sat through your share of snoozefest speakers, right? The ones who show up, drone on about leadership, and somehow turn your highly anticipated retreat into an extended nap session. Fear not! I’m here to tell you there’s a better way—trivia.

As a trivia speaker, I’m not just here to entertain. Oh no. I’m here to engage your employees, make them laugh, challenge their brains, and most importantly, leave a lasting impression. That’s why when you’re searching for corporate retreat guest speakers, look no further. I’m your retention ninja—ready to transform your retreat from “meh” to “whoa, can we do this again next year?”

Why Trivia Is Better Than Crocs (and Most Other Speakers)

Crocs don’t make the world a better place. But trivia? Trivia does. Trivia gets people talking, bonding, laughing at that one guy who insists “he knew the right answer all along.” It creates moments of joy, competitiveness, and good-natured ribbing that bring your team together like no other activity can.

Plus, trivia isn’t just fun—it’s powerful. It sharpens minds, builds communication skills, and fosters teamwork. That’s why when you book me as your corporate retreat guest speaker, you’re not just getting some guy with a microphone. You’re getting someone who understands how to combine fun with serious team-building benefits.

The Power of Goals… with a Side of Trivia

But wait, there’s more! (I know, sounds like an infomercial, but stay with me). In addition to hosting the most engaging trivia you’ve ever seen, I’ll also dive into one of the most powerful tools for success: goal setting.

Yep, I’m going to talk to your group about The Power of Goals—how setting goals took me from sleeping on my sister’s couch to co-founding the mighty nation of Slowjamastan. (Yes, it’s real. And yes, we have our own laws, like banning Crocs. You see the theme here?)

Setting goals changed my life, and I’ll show your employees how it can change theirs, too. And don’t worry, I’ll tie it all together with the magic of trivia. Because trivia, like goals, is about strategy, knowledge, and the occasional lucky guess. It’s the perfect metaphor for success, only way more fun.

Time to Book Me (Before Someone Else Does)

Here’s the part where you hit that book me button. Don’t wait for your corporate retreat to fizzle out with another forgettable speech about time management. No, no. What you need is someone who can entertain and engage, someone who can challenge your team’s minds and keep them talking about your retreat long after it’s over.

I’m that guy. I’m the trivia ninja you never knew you needed but can’t live without. So let’s make your next corporate retreat unforgettable. I’ll bring the laughs, the learning, the goal-setting, and of course, the trivia. And maybe we’ll throw in a law about banning Crocs while we’re at it.

Ready to book the best trivia speaker for your next corporate retreat? Let’s chat and get your employees engaged, entertained, and ready to conquer the world—one trivia question at a time.

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